Medium-Term Business Plan

We will promote the strengthening of our business base in Japan and the integration of new business sites and further business development in the global market.

Medium- to Long-Term Vision of Yukiguni Maitake

We grow and expand globally as a comprehensive manufacturer of premium mushrooms.

Basic strategies of Medium-Term Business Plan

Changes in our business environment

Domestic Market Environment

  • Demographics (population decline)
  • Strategic Trends of Other Companies
  • Price increase

Overseas Market Environment

  • Stable growth
  • Increased health and environmental needs
  • Absence of giant players
  • Rising geopolitical risks

FYE March 31, 2024 – FYE March 31, 2028

Basic Strategies of Medium-Term Business Plan

  • Strengthening the business base in Japan
  • Business process
  • Global expansion

Comprehensive manufacturer of premium mushrooms

Strengthening the business base in JapanStrengthen existing premium businesses
Create new businesses
  • Further strengthen our domestic business by enhancing our existing premium positioning, differentiating ourselves from other production areas, and steadily capturing the quality-oriented needs of consumers.
  • Strengthen sales of premium items that are not available in other production areas, and launch new businesses other than the fresh mushroom business in earnest.
Business processStreamline all processes without sanctuary
  • Improve business processes and reduce costs through company-wide BPR.
  • Promote labor savings and energy conservation through new investments.
Global expansionPMI of newly acquired foreign companies
Search for other targets
  • Utilize our expertise to further expand the performance of acquired overseas companies.
  • Pursue additional acquisition possibilities in light of progress in strengthening domestic operations and geopolitical risks.
  • As for the organic strategy, consider sales of our products in Europe and the U.S. in addition to Asia.
Image of the medium- to long-term growth roadmap in line with the basic strategies
Image of the medium- to long-term growth roadmap in line with the basic strategies

Quantitative targets

  FYE Mar
1. Revenue JPY 33.4 bn JPY 36.7 bn Over
JPY 42.0 bn
JPY 60.0 bn
2. Overseas Revenue Ratio 1 Around
3. Core EBITDA Margin 2 14.4% 14.1% Around
4. ROIC 6.4% Around
  • 1 Overseas revenue ratio = Overseas revenue / Revenue
  • 2 Core EBITDA margin = Core EBITDA / Revenue
    Core EBITDA: IFRS operating income excluding the effect of applying IAS 41 "Agriculture", other income and expenses, and one-time income and expenses, plus depreciation and amortization

Medium-Term Business Plan FYE March 2024 to FYE March 2028(827KB)