Privacy Policy

Since our foundation, Yukiguni Maitake Co., Ltd. has produced and sold maitake and other mushrooms, health foods, and processed foods nationwide based on our management philosophy and code of conduct, and has striven to meet the evaluations and expectations earned from our customers.
In order to deepen the bonds of trust with our customers, we handle important personal information from customers in a strict manner to fulfil our social responsibility.

Masafumi Yuzawa
President and CEO
Yukiguni Maitake Co., Ltd.

General Policy Regarding the Proper Handling of Personal Information

Compliance with Relevant Laws and Guidelines

We process personal information in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other relevant laws and regulations including the Personal Information Protection Commission Rules for the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Matters Concerning Safety Control Measures

We take necessary and appropriate security control measures for the management of personal information, including the prevention of leakage, loss, or damage. We also provide necessary and appropriate supervision to employees and contractors who process personal information.

Continuous Improvement

We establish and steadily implement rules and regulations regarding the processing of personal information, and strive to continuously improve them.

Processing of Personal Information from Customers

We treat our customer's or business partners’ name, age, address, telephone number, email address, and other information that could be used to identify a data subject as personal information.

Principles Behind the Collection of Personal Information

When using our services or doing business with us, you may be asked to provide personal information as needed. In collecting personal information, we will process it only to the extent necessary to achieve clearly defined purposes for collection.

Purposes of Using Personal Information

In principle, we ask customers to provide personal information on our website for the purposes listed in (1) through (13) below. If we use personal information for any other purposes, we will notify you separately on each website.

  1. To verify the customers’ identity.
  2. To respond to inquiries from customers.
  3. To send documents and materials requested by customers.
  4. To send prizes in projects including but not limited to sweepstakes and campaign to customers.
  5. To analyze the answers of questionnaires and reflect them in our services.
  6. To provide customers with various types of support information, such as information on products, services, campaigns, etc., by information letters, e-mails, etc.
  7. To provide various services according to customers’ requests, such as shipping products.
  8. To verify customer payment methods for our paid services.
  9. To verify customer payment status for our paid services.
  10. To deliver behavioral targeting advertisements to customer using ad-serving providers.
  11. To provide services and to distribute advertisements, etc., by analyzing information obtained from customers, such as website browsing history and purchase history.
  12. To analyze attribute information, behavioral history, etc. obtained by us in order to understand customers' interests and preferences, etc.
  13. To safely provide our products and services for our customers. This includes detecting and notifying users who are violating the terms of use which we stipulate separately, investigating, detecting, and preventing fraud, unauthorized access and other illegal activities that abuse our services, as well as responding to such activities.

In principle, we will use personal information received from our business partners for the following purposes. If personal information is to be used for any other purpose, we will notify the data subject.
To conduct business negotiations and meetings with business partners, to have communication, to provide information, to carry out business operations, to manage business operations, etc.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

In principle, the Company will not disclose customers’ or business partners’ personal information to third parties, except in the following cases (1) through (12). In the other cases of disclosures to third parties, we will notify relevant data subject separately to that effect.

  1. When we have obtained prior consent from customers or business partners.
  2. To the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of collecting the information when disclosing personal information with entrusting process of it to a contracted business partner.
  3. When disclosing necessary information to our tie-up company to respond to inquiries from customers or business partners.
  4. When disclosing necessary information to our tie-up company to send documents and materials requested by customers or business partners.
  5. When disclosing necessary information to the gift provider or delivery company in order to send prizes or gifts as part of sweepstakes or for answering questionnaires.
  6. When disclosing necessary information to our tie-up company in order to provide customers with information, such as guidance of our service and support information.
  7. When disclosing necessary information to relevant business partners in order to provide various services, such as shipping of products, as requested by customers.
  8. When checking with a relevant institution about customers’ payment methods or payment status for our paid services.
  9. When we are required to provide the information by law.
  10. When it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customers or business partners, and we have no choice but to make an inquiry to a relevant organization in order to protect the life, body, or property of customers, employees of the business partners or other persons.
  11. When it is especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the customers’ and business partners’ consent.
  12. When it is necessary to cooperate with national or local governments in the execution of their legally stipulated duties, and obtaining customers’ and business partners’ consent may interfere with such execution.

Company Organization

In order to protect personal information of customers and business partners, we assign a chief administrator for personal information in each department to process personal information. Having the chief administrators for personal information manage personal information properly, we protect personal information and complies with internal rules regarding personal information protection.

Improvement and Reform

We strive to improve our processing of personal information as necessary.

Inquiries Regarding Handling of Personal Information Provided by Customers

When we receive inquiries from customers or business partners to correct, update, or delete personal information, we will take reasonable actions.
We have also established the following point of contact to respond to customer and business partner inquiries.

Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

Yukiguni Maitake Co., Ltd.  Sales Planning Department
Updated/ Display Date: April 1, 2024