Respect for Human Rights

Policies and Strategies

In the “Action Guidelines,” Yukiguni Maitake states, “We respect the rights of all the people involved in our business.” In addition, in our “Compliance Manual,” we clearly state respect for human rights and prohibition of discrimination, sexual harassment, and power harassment, as a code of conduct for employees, and we are committed to respecting human rights by eliminating any acts that offend individual dignity, such as discrimination or harassment based on nationality, race, creed, religion, gender, age, disability, and sexual diversity.

In addition, we have also defined “investment in human capital and respect for human rights” as our materiality. Based on this, we have identified “occupational health and safety,” “harassment,” and “human rights throughout the supply chain” as important human rights issues in our business. Therefore, we have established “creation of a safe and harassment-free workplace” and “protection of human rights throughout the supply chain” as priority themes related to human rights, and have set KPIs for continuous improvement.

Structure, Governance and Risk Management

For details, please see Sustainability Management Structure.

Indicators and Targets

We have established “creation of a safe and harassment-free workplace” and “protection of human rights throughout the supply chain” as priority themes related to human rights, and have set the following indicators and targets.

  Scope Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Target
Response rate to workplace questionnaire survey non-
% 84.9 87.9 77.4 100
Harassment training attendance rate non-
% - - 100 100
Status of responses to the CSR questionnaire survey Domestic non-
% - 100 100 -
Overseas non-
% 100 100 100 -
Status of supplier’ initiatives* regarding protection of human rights non-
% 100 100 100 100
  • * Elimination of discrimination, forced labor, child labor, compliance with statutory minimum wage, appropriate collective bargaining agreements, compliance with working hours, etc.


Dissemination of the Action Guidelines

We share the Group’s Action Guidelines, including human rights, with all of our stakeholders, including employees and business partners.

Human rights-related education and training

We strive to ensure that our employees are aware of matters such as respect for human rights and prohibition of discrimination by stipulating such matters in our Compliance Manual. As for education and training, we issue a compliance newsletter once a month to enhance employees’ awareness toward matters such as power harassment, in particular. In addition, we also conduct management and employee education on compliance for all employees once a year.

Establish the Compliance Consultation Desk

We have established the Compliance Consultation Desk to receive consultations from directors and employees of Yukiguni Maitake and its subsidiaries, in order to identify acts such as violations of laws and regulations, misconduct, and harassment before they occur or at an early stage, and to take actions in an appropriate and prompt manner. We have established detailed regulations for the operation of the Compliance Consultation Desk and treat and strictly manage the fact that consultations were received and the content of the consultation as subject to confidentiality obligations and operate the Compliance Consultation Desk in a way to ensure that whistleblowers are not disadvantaged in any way because of their reporting.

In FY2021, the number of consultations received by the Compliance Consultation Desk totaled 43. Of which, there were no consultations regarding material issues that require public disclosure.